A Klezmer Plays a Dveikus Niggun on a Harp

Oil painting on canvas. Size 40 * 50 cm

The harpsichord produces elegant and rich sounds that would enhance any orchestra. I love the combination of power and the impressive and majestic elegant presence of the instrument, with the delicacy of the touching sounds rising from it. In this painting, I enjoyed playing with the lights and shadows that make the painting mysterious and little eccentric. For me it was a daring experience. I did not give up on the player's facial expression that would express a deep inner concentration. The music turns the musician's thoughts, aspirations, and feelings into a clear and connecting expression. Through the playing, the connection is made, and something new was born.

Buying options:

Original: 50,000$

Print on canvas with original signature: 3,800$
Only 8 lithographs available.